12 research outputs found

    Multi crop high efficiency seed drill with solar hybrid seed metering: A step toward precision and sustainability

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    High crop production with limited energy resources is always the priority area of developing countries. Conventional agricultural experimenting and crop production methods are time-consuming, challenging, laborious, and energy intensive. Various developments and experimental studies have been carried out for advancement in agriculture technologies. This study is mainly focused on the design and development of a unique high-efficiency seed drill machine to increase the energy efficiency of agricultural experiments, and crop production and conserve the tillage, seed, fertilizer, and power requirement. This machine has a special seed dividing head and seed distributor triggered with a mechanical timer. The mechanical timer is responsible to deliver seed to the seed distributor as per fixed plotting intervals. The seed distribution unit distributes the seeds uniformly in all furrows as per the pre-decided seed rate aided with a centrifugal glider aided with a DC motor powered by a 30 W solar PV plate and backup battery. Moreover, the machine has 9 × 9 s-type spring tines for seed and fertilizer, which are mainly designed for better soil pulverization and aeration with significant in-field resource conservation as per conventional alternatives. The effective width is seven feet and adjustable rows with versatile seed rate options. Overall, the results from different field tests verified the uniform seed dispersal with improved germination rate. The analysis of power requirements compared to conventional machines results in the 40% less power requirement. Overall, the machine has customized unique features for experiments and energy-efficient precision agriculture to conserve input resources

    Impact of Sensor Networks on Aquatic Biodiversity in Wetland: An Innovative Approach

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    Aquatic biodiversity is in the central field of environmental conservation issues in a wetland. Yet it determinately faced aquatic conservation authorities the loss of biodiversity as a very important global issue for several years due to misuse wireless sensor technology. The study attempts to re-look at the sensor networks that affect the aquatic biodiversity within and around the Tanguar Haor- wetland study at Sunamganj district in Bangladesh. Key aquatic conservation tools provided at the Tanguar Haor and its challenges with gaps in policies for wetland management practices are highlighted. The study shows the aquatic biodiversity-related rules and regulations amended were apex in Bangladesh from 2010 to 2018. The study represents the impact of processed sensor networks on aquatic biodiversity in a wetland to be compared to larger, medium, and smaller animals in a bright, dark and optimum environment, facilitating the design and misuse of wireless sensor networks within GPS locations. Approximately 64% of the respondents agreed on the development of aquatic biodiversity for managing the wetland at Sunamganj with secure peripheral sensor networks. The research also found that the Tanguar Haor is at risk due to misuse of wireless sensor networks compared to other wetlands in the Sylhet Division. Scientific knowledge is indispensable in wetland resource management but it poorly identified such knowledge while various performances are still below par. The research is unique and represents the innovative idea to improve the existing wetland policy linking with the appropriateness for the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Strateg

    Application of Microbial Technology Used in Bioremediation of Urban Polluted River: A Case Study of Chengnan River, China

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    Contrary to the constraints in time, investment, and management of the traditional technology for waste water treatment, this paper seeks to propose a more advanced, reliable, and affordable new technology to restore urban polluted rivers to pristine quality levels. The paper also presents new ideas on the selection and use of microbial agents to improve the efficiency of pollution removal. It presents the successful implementation of microbial technology (MT) on Chengnan River, which was heavily polluted before MT implementation. Without artificial aeration, sediment dredging, or complete sewage interception, we directly sprayed a previously configured HP-RPe-3 Microbial Agent into the water body and sediment. We considered the feasibility of MT for treating polluted urban rivers from the perspective of several water quality indices evaluation methods. After the treatment, the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) reached 5.0 mg/L, the removal rates of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) reached 20% and 38% respectively, and the average degradation rate of total phosphorus (TP) along river was close to 15%. Also, the Nemerow Index of the river was reduced from 2.7 to 1.9. The Fuzzy Comprehensive Index shows a tendency for improvement from Inferior Grade V to a better grade (approximately Grade III). The color of the river water changed, from black or dark green, to its original color. The results indicate that the bioremediation technology of directly adding microbial agents mainly aimed for the degradation of NH3-N can preliminarily eliminate the black-odor phenomenon of urban rivers, and improve their water quality. It is expected that the MT application, and the concept of how to select the corresponding microbial agents according to main pollutants, can be widely accepted and applied to similar cases

    Qualitative assessment and global mapping of supercritical CO2 power cycle technology

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    Worldwide attempts are being made to harness wasted heat or optimize the power systems by achieving the theoretical efficiency of the supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) power cycle. The heterogeneity and variable quality of scholarly data may challenge researchers of the field (S-CO2 power cycle) to survey all of the available information. This study is focused on scientometric analysis to provide deep insights into global research performance and the collaborative architectonical structure. It reveals the progressive research trend (2000–2019) of the Supercritical Carbon dioxide (S-CO2) power cycle and hotspot areas by considering various quantitative measures. The sophisticated altimetric model was employed to analyze scientific researches that originated from Scopus Elsevier and Web of Science. Quantitative measures include the contribution of countries, organizations, authors, funding agencies, and journals that were investigated and ranked. Moreover, a scientific mapping approach is applied to identifying the cross-connections of each quantitative measure. It is indicated that the S-CO2 power cycle focused research increased exponentially from 2010. National Natural Science Foundation of China, USA Department of Energy, and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities are leading sponsor agencies. USA Department of Energy, Xian Jiao Tong University, and Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology are the most productive organizations. Similarly, Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, and Energy Conversion and Management are top productive journals. At the same time, the USA, China, and South Korea are leading countries, and Lee, Jeong Ik Dai, Yiping Lee, and Jekyoung are the most dominating Authors in the S-CO2 power cycle technology developmental contributions. The core study areas include layout configuration with other power cycles, especially the Brayton cycle, optimization of operating conditions, and design of heat exchangers. S-CO2 higher condensation temperature and the need for cooling media below ambient conditions is the big challenge in hot geographic regions. Dynamic modeling with integrated optimization, the study on compactness, simplicity of the S-CO2 power configuration as well as improving condensation temperature could be more hotspot areas in future research

    Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the Population Living in High- and Low-Density Gradient Areas in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in densely populated countries has been a topic of concern from the beginning of the pandemic. Evidence of community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 according to population density gradient and socio-economic status (SES) is limited. In June–September 2020, we conducted a descriptive longitudinal study to determine the community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in high- and low-density areas in Dhaka city. The Secondary Attack Rate (SAR) was 10% in high-density areas compared to 20% in low-density areas. People with high SES had a significantly higher level of SARS-CoV-2-specific Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies on study days 1 (p = 0.01) and 28 (p = 0.03) compared to those with low SES in high-density areas. In contrast, the levels of seropositivity of SARS-CoV-2-specific Immunoglobulin M (IgM) were comparable (p > 0.05) in people with high and low SES on both study days 1 and 28 in both high- and low-density areas. Due to the similar household size, no differences in the seropositivity rates depending on the population gradient were observed. However, people with high SES showed higher seroconversion rates compared to people with low SES. As no difference was observed based on population density, the SES might play a role in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, an issue that calls for further in-depth studies to better understand the community transmission of SARS-CoV-2

    Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the Population Living in High- and Low-Density Gradient Areas in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in densely populated countries has been a topic of concern from the beginning of the pandemic. Evidence of community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 according to population density gradient and socio-economic status (SES) is limited. In June–September 2020, we conducted a descriptive longitudinal study to determine the community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in high- and low-density areas in Dhaka city. The Secondary Attack Rate (SAR) was 10% in high-density areas compared to 20% in low-density areas. People with high SES had a significantly higher level of SARS-CoV-2-specific Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies on study days 1 (p = 0.01) and 28 (p = 0.03) compared to those with low SES in high-density areas. In contrast, the levels of seropositivity of SARS-CoV-2-specific Immunoglobulin M (IgM) were comparable (p > 0.05) in people with high and low SES on both study days 1 and 28 in both high- and low-density areas. Due to the similar household size, no differences in the seropositivity rates depending on the population gradient were observed. However, people with high SES showed higher seroconversion rates compared to people with low SES. As no difference was observed based on population density, the SES might play a role in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, an issue that calls for further in-depth studies to better understand the community transmission of SARS-CoV-2